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The No Time for a Workout, Workout

From this day forward you are no longer allowed to say “I don’t have time to workout”

The all time number one excuse people constantly give me when asked why they don’t workout is “I don’t have time…”

-I have a baby…
-I’m really slammed at work right now…
-I’m too tired when I get home from work…
-It takes too long to get to the gym…
-I’d rather have a beer…

And the list goes on, and on…

You DO Have Time to Workout!

Retrace your day, think back on all the spare minutes you could have added up to squeeze in a workout.

-Did you watch TV?
-Did you play Video Games?
-Did you  spend 15 minutes chatting by the water cooler?
-What did you do on your lunch break?

The point is… When you really break it down you can find time to work out every single day without any disruption to your current schedule.

I present, the Viking Muscle No Time For a Workout, Workout! 

Do this workout first thing in the morning, before breakfast, before your shower.  Do all of the exercises one after another as fast as you can until you finish.

If you have NO Time – Do the circuit once and get on your way, it should only take you 5 minutes.

If you have more time, try to do the circuit 3 times, resting 1-2 minutes in between sets.

  • 20 Pushups
  • 50 Squats
  • Hold a 60 second Plank
  • 50 Mountain Climbers
  • 100 Jumping Jacks

That’s it!  You could be up, burning calories and sweating before you even turn on the coffee maker!

Now, I will be the first to tell you that you will need to invest more time depending on your goals as an athlete.  However, the goal is to give you a guide to get started and begin chipping away towards your goals each day.


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